Months ago Tyler booked us a trip to see one of our favorite bands, the Avett Brothers, at the beach in Mexico. I remember being so excited, imagining warm weather and sand between my toes in the midst of winter. What’s more, she booked us at the adults only resort, meaning it was an “us” trip… kid free. I love my girls, and Scout often travels when I go on the road for work, so I was incredibly surprised when she told me. Again, this was months ago so we had quite a while to mentally prepare.
Spoiler alert: we did NOT mentally prepare.
Tyler was emotional today as we pulled out of the driveway, Scout napping soundly in her upstairs bedroom. While I’ve been away from Scout overnight before, it’s not easy. She’s such a delight… always making me laugh or saying something sweet or cute. Usually by day two I’ve got the “missies” and if not day two, definitely day three.
This trip is 6 nights.
I look forward to spending some incredible quality time with Tyler, without the busy-ness of life. She is my best friend and we often sacrifice together time for family time: a deal I happily make. But I’m filled with excitement and optimism as we invest in our relationship and our marriage over this week. Follow me on the gram for the day-to-day!
Talk to you soon,

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