Today I would love to talk about my gratitude.
As a small business owner, client referrals are the lifeblood of my business. If you’re one of my customers (HI!), your kind words are what keep me in business. When your friend gets engaged, or your neighbor needs family photos, you have the opportunity to help my business grow.
And I just have to say, I’m thankful for you. I’m thankful you trusted me for your photo needs, and I’m thankful for each compliment and referral you share on my behalf.
I also have a couple “super-referrers.” Or maybe we should call them “Raving Fans.” These lovely people go out of their way to tell everyone about this NWA Luxury Wedding Photographer. Today, I want to name one of them and give my public and heartfelt thanks.
Mallory, if you’re reading this (and I’m sure you are!), thank you for believing in me. Thank you for trusting me, encouraging me, and being one of my biggest cheerleaders. I appreciate you, feel honored by you, and have so much love in my heart for you! I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
I’ve often joked with Mallory that she should get a punch card (like you get at subway for free sandwichies). Lately I’ve been thinking even more about how to reward loyalty… Benny Points? I don’t know… but when I figure it out, you better believe Mallory will set the bar.

Who would like some sort of legit Benny Rewards or Benny Points system to express my gratitude? Leave me your thoughts in the comments!
Talk to you soon,
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