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Recreating TikTok Photoshoots, pt2



The blog contains little bits of my life, my passions, and my work. I update it daily so there is always something new to come see.





I’m Recreating TikTok Photoshoots because I want to see how easy it actually is. You know, the photographers on TikTok make it look so easy to capture these gorgeous product photoshoots. As a photographer, I watch and think “Oh, I can do that! No problem!” And then I think, well, what if they are skipping steps or not explaining the hard parts, etc. So, I thought I’d do a series where I choose some of the images and recreate them.

This is the second in a new series: Recreating TikTok Photoshoots, pt 2. This recreation wasn’t very difficult. I’d say on a scale of 1-10 (10 = most difficult), this was a 4/10. The hardest part was getting the setting everything up and shooting before the ice melted. The ice in general was challenging to work with because it doesn’t want to stay still and it’s hard to place them just right. Finding everything I needed for this shoot was also easy. I didn’t have to order anything. As a matter of fact, Target had everything I needed.

View my first video in the Recreating TikTok Photoshoots series!

Talk to you soon,

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