Rehearsal Dinner at Annadele’s in Covington LA
Tyler, Scout, and I got invited to Lindsey and Andrew’s Rehearsal Dinner at Annadele’s in Covington LA. Of course we wanted to go so we could help celebrate the couple. Andrew asked me to come to enjoy and eat (aka: not work). However, I had to snap a few photos. I asked the wedding couple if they could step outside for a quick portrait session. After all, Annadele’s had beautiful property and the weather was perfect. Happily, they obliged.

As you can see I also photographed a couple of the details for the rehearsal dinner. I think it’s important to photograph little details because our brains don’t often hold on to them. This way, the couple (and families) can look back on these and remember little things that were special.
It was also great to attend the rehearsal dinner at Annabele’s because it gave me a chance to meet everyone. Knowing names and faces before the wedding day is a huge help to a photographer. I also get an inside glimpse into relationships, which help me on the wedding day. Knowing what to look for (an emotional parent, for example) is so helpful to capture special moments. In this case, I learned that so many of the guests (as well as the bride and groom) are animated when they laugh. I love that characteristic, and was prepared to capture some really fun moments on the wedding day. Don’t worry, I’ll be sharing those on the Benfield Blog soon!
Talk to you tomorrow!
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