It’s Benfield Photography Review time! Hey everyone! I got this really incredible video from Benny Bride Chelsea Slone Brown about yours truly, and I wanted to share it with you. It meant so much to me that Chelsea took the time to record: 1) how I became her wedding photographer, 2) how I make her kids feel during photo shoots, and 3) how she feels about her wedding images.
Benfield Photography Review
Chelsea: Oh, Dale, he’s so much fun and so talented. I couldn’t imagine having any other photographer than him. He is actually the reason I’m a May bride. I hoped to be a June bride, and when I emailed him he was totally booked of course. And he gave me one date back, and it was May 26, and I said, All right, let’s do it.
I couldn’t imagine having any other photographer than him. He is actually the reason I’m a May bride.
-Chelsea Brown
He’s just awesome. And we loved every single picture. We had so many blown up. We’ve had to make albums — other than our wedding album, even a travel album. And my kids adore him. Every family picture is so much fun because he’s taking it and even as much as the kids love to fuss about getting ready, the second Dale shows that it’s all fun and games.
Even Tyler doesn’t last too much about those family photos. You should hire Dale. He’s the best.
Chelsea had an incredible luxury wedding at her family’s estate that I still dream about ten years later. You can of course see the highlights here. Thank you for the Benfield Photography Review, Chelsea! LOVE YOU!

I get a lot of Benfield Photography Reviews but I never think about posting them on here. I know that I should (celebrate my successes and all…), but I don’t love bragging on myself. However, I am so thankful for incredible clients like Chelsea who know the value of compelling photography. She understands that she wants to look back in 10 years and see her children literally growing up through the photographs I take of their family twice a year, every year. Finally, she knows that having a photographer that her kids know and love yields better images because they are so comfortable in front of my camera. That’s really fun!
Talk to you soon,
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