Today is Autism Awareness Day. It is a day to celebrate and spread awareness for all the wonderful people on the Autism spectrum. As a parent Getting the Autism Diagnosis filled me with so many mixed feelings. On one hand, having the diagnosis opened up a world of opportunities for Cece in terms of therapy in resources; on the other hand, I didn’t know what I was doing and that was so daunting.
I remember times when Cece would be wailing and I couldn’t figure out why. She was upset but wasn’t able to explain to me why she was frustrated or upset. She would make scenes in public and I could feel a million eyes on us. And the thing about it was, it’s not like you can look at Cece (or any person on the Autism spectrum) and know they have ASD. While it was a slight inconvenience having a crying kid in a grocery store, I was able to remind myself that Cece is feeling a hundred times worse. Not being able to communicate her feelings and thoughts must have been so damn hard.
Cece is Resilient and Strong.
But Cece is resilient. She is beautiful. And talented. And goodness is she smart. She is better than me at so many things. While she wasn’t hitting her developmental goals as a baby, she has made so much progress with the help of all her teachers, aids, doctors, and therapists.
A kid who didn’t talk now will talk your ear off. And it’s the sweetest sound.

If you’re a parent of a child who you think might have special needs, please get your child screened. Knowing is half the battle, as they say, and if you’re going to have a lifelong journey with your special person, I recommend having all the tools available.
Cece, I love you today more than ever. I am proud of you. I am thankful for you. You bring so much joy to your dad, and the rest of your family. Today we celebrate you. Happy Autism Awareness Day.
Talk to you soon,
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