It’s about to be engagement photo season so I thought I would share my top 5 easy poses for engagement photos. I’ve shot nearly 500 engagement portrait sessions all over the world. Over the years, I have developed a method of posing that is natural, comfortable, and flattering for my couples. Here are my top 5 Poses for Engagement Photos, in no particular order.
The Top 5 Easy Poses for Engagement Photos
The Almost Kiss. This is full of what I call “potential energy.” Remember that from middle school science? It’s just loaded with anticipation and excitement. The almost kiss occurs when you ask the couple to either 1) kiss in slow motion or 2) kiss a few times in a row.

The mini dip. This shot works best when her arms are wrapped around his neck and she has one foot placed farther behind her, as Marie does perfectly here. Then I just ask the groom to kiss her, but in doing so dip her back slightly. I don’t want a full dip (those are a little cliche), but this mini dip is timeless.

Nose to temple. This works best when the groom is a few inches taller than the bride. I get them to snuggle faces together and then I say something funny, or ask a funny question of the couple. Meanwhile, my shutter finger is ready to capture the perfect moment.

The cheek kiss. If you do this wrong, it looks cheesy. If you do this correctly, it looks incredible. Leave it to Mark and Lindsay to do this perfectly. She even gives a little look over her shoulder toward the Eiffel Tower. Also, notice her hands on his chest, It’s a great way to show off the bling in photos.

Nose to nose. I love when couples have their faces close. Most of the time I have to say the literal words “nose to nose” to get them close enough. But the closer the better for engagement photos, as Emma and Sam will tell you. I also love Emma’s hands in this photo. She is classic and lovely, and knows just how to pose.

Bonus: Easy Engagement Pose #6
And now for a bonus pose: the hug from behind. Amanda Stanton and Michael’s wedding is this weekend so I thought I’d throw this photo in the mix. They do a great job of feeling comfortable and natural in their engagement photos.

I find that if you have 5-6 poses that are your go-to photos, you’ll never be at a loss when you’re out on a shoot. Commit these to memory and give the appearance that you are prepared and confident on your engagement sessions.
Talk to you soon,
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