Let me tell you the story of how our little soccer star came to be. We noticed a few weeks ago that Scout was starting to get possessive of things. While this is a normal occurrence in her child development, she would make the meanest faces at others who were encroaching on her space or her things. When we were at Disneyworld recently, she made the nasty face to people trying to get too close to us in line. While I wanted to laugh (because this face is actually so funny looking), I told her that what she was doing is rude.
Later that night, we were discussing the event and I told Tyler (aka Sexy Soccer Mom) that we should put her into a sport where she could let out the aggression in a healthy way. I suggested soccer, and within 5 minutes Tyler had whipped out her phone, pulled up the Happy Feet Soccer website, and had Scout enrolled.
Today’s Shenanigans
Fast forward to today. Scout showed up with the soccerball, her cleats and shinguards, and took to the field like a seasoned amateur. It was adorable.
When she and I would practice in our side yard she would take a kick or two but then flop down on the ball (not unlike a goal keeper) with her body and hands. I would tell her repeatedly that in soccer we don’t use our hands.
Anyway, being in this legitimate soccer environment must have put her in the right frame of mind because she didn’t flop once and ran up and down the field kicking the ball. I was honestly surprised and impressed.
But then something happened. I’m still not sure what it was. After the first water break she was glued to Tyler’s side. She cried and clung to her mom, refusing to go anywhere without. So what did we do?
Well, Tyler ran around on the field too, lol. (see pictures below)
The last 20 minutes, however, she got her courage back, dribbled the ball down the field and into the net. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! She was a little soccer star.
Side note: how does she know the airplane dance for when you score a goal in soccer? Is it innate?
Talk to you soon,
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