What is My Goal in Life?
Tonight in my Lyft back to the hotel, my driver asked me what my goal in life was. Just like you’re probably thinking right now, I thought “this is a pretty deep question for the rider/passenger relationship.” Indeed, it was.
My ride was 45 minutes long, and 44 minutes and 30 seconds of that time we were talking. He asked about my job as a photographer, and a little about my background. I indulged and shared what I felt comfortable sharing. I told him about how I was able to pay my way through college shooting portraits and weddings, and how I grew my business while teaching high school journalism. I shared about how my business has grown and now takes me to all corners of the world for destination weddings.
So he was really surprised when I told him the answer to the question: what is your life goal?
My Surprising Answer
If you would have asked me that 20 years ago, it would have been to be a full-time professional photographer. The same question 15 years ago would have been to be a successful destination wedding photographer. Somewhere along the way you could probably pepper in things like a fancy house or car.
I didn’t even pause to think about my answer. Instead, I blurted out: do be a good dad.
Honestly, that’s all I want. To raise kids who learn from my example to be kind and compassionate, but not let anyone walk all over you. I want to be an example to them and show them how to stand up for their beliefs, but also have humility. And I want my girls to be able to look at their dad and know that they can count on me for love, guidance, unconditional support, and acceptance.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not perfect. Sometimes priorities get out of whack. Other times I lose patience. But I’m always working on being a better father. Unlike my earlier goals (where I crossed the finish line), this goal has no finish line. Only with my last breath will I be able to check the box, but it is my goal in life to be able to do so.
What are your goals in life? How have they changed over time? I’d love to hear yours!

Talk to you soon,
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