As a small business owner of a luxury wedding photographer brand, there are some things I love about Disney that I use for inspiration. We just finished walking 18k steps throughout Animal Kingdom and Epcot. Instead of feeling like my feet hurt, I feel inspired by Disney’s Excellence.

Things I love about Disney as a Business Owner: Their Training
First, every employee is so well-trained to provide great customer service. Walk up to any employee and ask where the nearest restroom is. Or where to park the stroller. I guarantee you’ll find that they don’t have to go ask their co-worker. They know. They’ll tell you with a smile how to get from point a to point b, or how to use the rider swap, or what time guests can find Ariel (“she’s not in the grotto right now, but she will be in the parade at noon.”) Having expert knowledge of all the ins and outs of the business goes incredibly far in keeping customers satisfied.
Things I love about Disney as a Business Owner: Their Planning
They think ahead and plan for when accidents happen. With any business, accidents are going to happen. How you handle those setbacks can set you apart and make your experience a positive one. We were on a ride in the Haunted Mansion and the ride stopped. Disney didn’t panic. They had pre-recorded messages that were informative and entertaining in the same voice the rest of the ride was in. Planning ahead like that can really put the customer at ease. That’s important to put thought and effort into how you provide guidance and solutions to unexpected issues.
Things I love about Disney as a Business Owner: They Know Their Worth
It’s ok to not be for everyone. Prices are high for Disney tickets. However, Disney charges what they need to to give their clients that magical experience we’ve come to know from Disney. Incredible shows with high production value let you get lost in the magical world of Disney. Less production value eliminates the magic and can lessen the experience. Because Disney wants to be the best, they don’t sacrifice quality to charge less. Instead, they charge a premium price to accompany a premium product. I’ve never been a fan of “racing to the bottom” because it often leads to cutting costs and cutting corners.
Things I love about Disney as a Business Owner: Their Attention to Detail
Finally, every single thing Disney does is done with intention. Their attention to detail is unparalleled. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just take a look through the Star Wars area. You’ll see finishes on every surface that fit the brand, droid keypads by every door, etc. Again, attention to detail allows you to get lost in the world Disney creates.
As a Northwest Arkansas wedding photographer who is on the more expensive side, I hope my clients see that my prices are justified by the experience I give them. I have the eye for detail that luxury wedding clients appreciate and have come to expect from the Benfield Photography brand. Cutting costs or corners go against my business philosophy; I go above and beyond for my couples, and I hope that every couple or family I photograph walks away from the shoot feeling special.
Talk to you soon,
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