Is film dead? Lately I’ve felt myself being drawn back to the medium through which I fell in love with photography. I still have one of my old film cameras, the Canon EOS 3, which I’ve had since 2000 I believe. Recently, I got it out and purchase some of the Kodak Portra 160 ISO film (I love the Portra series!) and shot a few rolls around the house. I’m going to share a few posts featuring film coming up, so stay tuned for that!
In the meantime, check out one of my favorite shots of Scout, who was cheesing it up for me on our couch. I love the soft grain that came through in the scan. Speaking of scanning, there is a great little lab in Cleveland that processing film and scans it – called Memphis Film Lab – that I really like! If you shoot film, give them a try! Is film dead? Absolutely not!

Oh, here are a few other blogposts featuring film:
Morgan’s Wedding at Meadowood in Napa Valley on film
And this post of Cece when she was a wee bunny!
Talk to you soon,
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