We weren’t in the big apple to shoot my NYC Portraits, but that’s exactly what we did. Ellie has grown up with a camera pointed at her. She knows light and she knows angles. She has also shot some of her own photography over the years. While these are, obviously, her first NYC Portraits, she is a total natural and I absolutely LOVE these photos of me. And I usually detest photos of myself.

They even look good in black and white. I added an underexposed look to this for some vintage mood vibes.

While I don’t have my pictures taken often (I prefer to be behind the camera), if they all came out like these NYC Portraits, I’d have my picture taken every day! Great job, Ellie! Is there anything you can’t do?

Tomorrow, we’ll start sharing some of her senior pictures in NYC during our trip to the Big Apple… stay tuned!
Talk to you soon,
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