Wait, it’s not Sunday… I know. I’m moving the weekly roundup to Saturday because Sundays are going to be “senior sunday”s for the next couple of months.

JHS vs. Webb City HS Football
Friday night, we went to Joplin to watch the JHS football game Ellie dance. There are so few Friday nights that I’m available because of my busy photography schedule. It breaks my heart not to be able to attend them all, because Ellie and the JHS dance team work so hard. This week, however, the stars aligned! It was JHS vs Webb City, and Ellie (and her friend Lillie) choreographed the halftime performance. I was so proud! And so was Scout… she acted as if Ellie was a celebrity.
Of course, Ellie (in her typical super-thoughtful self) took Scout into the student section to go see all her friends. Oh, and Duncan (Scout: “Duckin”), who apparently wasn’t wearing a shirt. Scout came back and said “Duckin didn’t have on clothes. And had paint on his boobies and his belly.” HAHAHAHA!

I took the two photos above as we were walking to the game – Scout was dancing in the golden glow of sunlight as it was setting. I’m digging her new shoes.
Film Scans (because Walmart doesn’t know what to do with negatives)
One of my life mentors, Greg, recently asked if I had any old photos from my YoungLife days (I was a leader from 1999-2004). If you recall, that’s when film was still the main type of cameras photographers used. So, I made a trip to my storage unit where I keep all my old negatives, and unearthed some gems. I no longer have my old film scanner, and Walmart had no idea what to do with negatives, so I bought this baby off Amazon: (you can get this film scanner here)

Then I scanned a ton of old film and spent an afternoon feeling nostalgic as I walked down memory lane. Here are a few of my favorites:

Trying Tesla
Earlier this week, I had a couple shoots in Missouri. Instead of taking my care, I decided to give Tesla a try. Tyler and I have been talking about me getting a Tesla (I actually love my car but I drive SO much and premium gas is so expensive). Not only does it not cost me gas, but it could allow me to work a little while driving, or so I thought. I actually didn’t love how the Tesla drives. I also don’t love that even if you pay cash for your Tesla and buy it outright, you still have to pay $200/month for the autopilot. I did love the lighting from the tinted sunroom and the acoustics, but I think I’m going to pass.

Celebrity Sighting
I’m about to leave for an extended period of time to go do shoots across Ohio and Indiana. I’m bummed but I’m trying to make the most of my time before I go. That’s the only reason I would put up with Cocomelon, lol. Cocomelon = nails on a chalkboard. But Scout loves Coco and they were going to be at our local Walmart today, so we went. She was a little nervous but so brave. I snapped this pic with my iPhone, and then Scout grabbed a rubber chicken and squeaked it until we left the store. It was glorious.

Thanks for tuning in! Tomorrow, I’ll be back with more professional portraits!
Talk to you soon,
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