Scout’s ER visit: One of Scout and my favorite things to do is give checkups. “Ketchups” is what she would actually call them for the longest time. Recently, her speech has been improving and she has been self-correcting some of those cute things she used to say. (yeah, my heart breaks a little)
We now have 4 different stethoscopes and we regularly check heartbeats, lungs, and kidneys. Maybe she will be a doctor when she grows up (sometimes she says this), because she has a heart for helping.
Tonight, after two days of fever and cough, she asked if we would take her to the doctor. We had already committed to taking her tomorrow if her fever wasn’t down, so it was an easy sell. After two short hours from check-in to check-out, she has an ear infection and two viruses. I was proud that she unprompted let us know that her ear was also hurting. She is a great little communicator. Anyway, amoxicillin tastes like bubble gum so she’s in pretty good spirits. Oh, and they gave her popsicles… so yeah.
We took a couple of pics in her hospital bed. The one on the left I told her I’d make it look like she was a mermaid, lol.

Marriott Ambassador Elite: This week I also got Ambassador Elite status with Marriott. I stay at Marriott hotels a lot when I travel for work. Unless that town has a cool boutique hotel. (for example, I always stay at the Hotel Vandivort when I’m in Springfield, and you know my love for Alyeska resort already). Being loyal definitely has it’s perks: I have a bazillion points, even after using them for our complete Disney trip, Chicago trip, and Aspen trip all within the last year. I get points using them for work, and then spend points using them for fun. It’s a good system! The downside of traveling more than 100 nights a year is that is a lot of time away from family. The upside is that we get to go on really cool vacations for free!

58 Straight Days: Today I broke a killer streak of photoshoots. I had a cancellation for a sunrise shoot (well, a postponement), which ended my streak of 58 straight days of shooting. It’s a bummer because I am shooting tomorrow and every day this coming week, but it was really nice to have an uninterrupted day with the girls.
Recently I bumped into a well-known photographer and I mentioned my streak. He said to me, “man, I would hate to be behind the camera that much.” I didn’t say anything, but I was shocked at that response. I LOVE being a photographer. More than that, I LOVE spending time with my families, brides, grooms, and seniors. I’m THANKFUL for being able to work so much for really incredible people. Sorry, if you would “hate” that, maybe you shouldn’t be a photographer.
This coming week I’ll be on the road to St. Louis where I’ll be shooting every day, so any of my STL people hit me up if you want to hang out!
Talk to you soon,
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