I found myself driving back and forth to Kansas City a few times this week. First, Ellie and I had a daddy/daughter date to KC to shop for her winter formal dress. We spent the day dressing room hopping and finally found the perfect dress before eating sushi and heading home. I love days that I get to spend with her. I also had to shoot a few times in KC. It was a low-shoot week, and only picked up my camera 3 days this week. As we move into December, I expect a few more weeks like these before I set it down for the off-season.
Meme of the Week
I felt a little like a Pinterest dad this week. Not only did I made a standing rib roast for Tyler’s family (which, ngl was bomb!), I made Scout and Nora some Mickey Mouse rice krispie treats. I used cocoa krispies instead, because they were a dark color. Though, the marshmallow kinda killed the vibe. However, I also melted red chocolate and two yellow reese’s pieces before adding the lollipop stick. They came out so cute. Well, Scout thought so at least…

An Unexpected Guest
I had a really great week. One of the biggest highlights was Thanksgiving at my mom’s. Unexpectedly, my younger brother showed up. I haven’t seen him since 2019. Pretty wild, considering he was my best friend, roommate, teammate, housemate, 2nd shooter, confidant, etc for most of my life. Differing opinions and beliefs kept us apart, unfortunately. To be honest, I was pretty bothered (sad) about it, because I love my brother and enjoy spending time with him. Not only that, but he has 4 kids that I adore. While we obviously grew apart over the past few years, I loved feeling “normal” and “together” at mom’s this year. I know she loved it too.
I know it’s not the same, but this story is very “prodigal son” to me. I know my brother didn’t go and spend his dowry, lol. But we did have our differences and when he walked through the front door of my parent’s house I was elated. I ran out to my car to get the present I randomly picked up for him this week. Thanksgiving gave me so much to be thankful for.
Of course, I’m very thankful for this little turkey:

Below: Duck three ways. Sous vide duck leg confit, seared fois gras, and duck fat mashed potatoes. Yummm!

I hope you had a wonderful week and a beautiful holiday! This week I’ll be back in KC for more shoots, and then some local things in Northwest Arkansas.
Talk to you soon,
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