One year, my younger brother and I found ourselves home alone on Thanksgiving and ended up cooking everything we had in the cupboard. It wasn’t a ton of food, but then again, it was more than two high school boys could eat. Not really understanding the true meaning of the holiday, that day it was all about celebrating family and food. Truth be told, those are probably my two favorite things in the world.
Because Tyler and Scout (and Ty’s family) are Choctaw, it takes on a different meaning than the one I heard about in school. I love that Tyler embraces her Native American heritage, and I am thankful Scout has a mom who shares it with her. I have so much to be thankful for: most importantly, the family that surrounds me. My family, Tyler’s family, and the family that Tyler and I are growing are all such blessings.

I hope you all are having a wonderful thanksgiving. Please, as you sit around the table this season, remember and be thankful for the good things!
Talk to you soon,
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