Do you know the ol’ saying: the children of the shoemaker go barefoot, well, that’s not the case in this family. As a full-time photographer for more than 18 years, I have no shortage of family photos of my kids and wife.
I will say, however, that my personal photos take a back seat to clients’ photos when it comes to editing and organizing. Well, this week I was surprised to find images on an SD card that I had stashed away for when I had some extra time to edit. It had been so long that I actually forgot what was on the card. To my surprise, I found the most stunning images I took of my wife.

We used to do photo shoots often before we had kids. At least monthly, and probably even weekly. This quick shoot was taken when we were engaged. Ahhh… remember before kids when we just had SO.MUCH.TIME to do all the things? Hahaha! I wouldn’t change my life for anything, but it is really fun to look back at a different time in my life.

Also… WHOA. Tyler is a total knockout. She still is so gorgeous, but she rarely has a reason to put on fancy dresses. Maybe that can be one of my new year’s resolutions: Have more dress up dates with my wife.

Thanks for being here,
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