Today I thought I’d give a book review for The Infinite Game. I haven’t posted a book review in some time, so why not? This book was a quick read. I read it in a day and a half, but got through most of the book on two legs of a flight from Arkansas to Ohio.
Book Review for The Infinite Game
I don’t want to summarize in this book review of The Infinite Game. Instead, I’m going to share a few of my favorite thoughts and quotes from the book for you. I obviously don’t want to give away all the provocative information in Sinek’s book, and I am much more interested in inspiring you to read than I am to get an “A” on my book report. Haha!

One of the key concepts of The Infinite Game is that businesses shouldn’t be competing to “win.” Instead, the main goal of business is to keep playing. As Benfield Photography is in it’s 16th year as a Northwest Arkansas Wedding photographer, the really resonated with me. By shifting my mindset from that of “winning” to “keep playing” it dictates (and changes) the moves I make in my business.
The five essential principles in The Infinite Game are these: 1) exist to further a just cause, 2) build trust in teams, 3) find worthy rivals, 4) display existential flexibility to make extreme strategic shifts, and 5) find the courage to lead with an infinite mindset.
If those sound like something inspiring for you, I encourage you to read it!
Wanna Read Along With Me?
Here’s what is up next in my reading queue. I’m on a Todd Henry kick. He has the “Accidental Creative” podcast. Anyway, I’m going to swallow up these books. I’m most excited about Herding Tigers, but they all sound great.
Talk to you soon,
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