I found some sweet Amazon Prime Day Camera Deals for Amazon Prime Day! First, I’ll just say, I’ll NEVER recommend a product I don’t believe in. I also won’t suggest a product that I have never used. I want you to be able to trust my recommendations 100%. I’ve been around long enough to know there are great products, and trash products. I’ve been disappointed so many times (like in my post about the worst battery charger ever, which resulted in me having to take family pictures with my iPhone – it was my family, but still!).
Do you know what Amazon Prime Day is? It’s a special day (actually 2 days) when the ‘Zon gives insanely good deals. For that reason, I’m posting as early as I can today so you don’t miss out on the best deals in the camera world. Note: these are affiliate links, so hopefully I make a little money if you use it! With that… off we go!
Top 5 Amazon Prime Day Camera Deals: Sandisk SSD
The first Amazon Prime Day Camera Deals product is the Sandisk SSD. A solid state hard drive doesn’t have all the moving internal parts of a non-solid-state, which means they last way longer. They also tend to be faster than others. I love this hard drive because it’s fast, holds 2 terabytes of files (which is a lot!), and has drop protection and water resistance. I keep one in my camera bag at all times for emergency backup, and also keep one in my laptop bag to work on all current projects. You can slap a keyring on this baby and take it anywhere! Get your Sandisk SSD for 61% off! Whoop whoop!

Top 5 Amazon Prime Day Camera Deals: Canon Mirrorless Camera
The next in my list of Amazon Prime Day Camera Deals: The Canon EOS M6. You might remember I recommended the Canon M5 a couple Christmases ago, but now Canon has this new model that is my go-to for beginning and budding photographers.
Three cool things about this camera: 1) you can change lenses! and 2) it goes from fully automatic to fully manual, so you can learn and grow with this camera, and finally, it shoots 4K video.
For Amazon Prime Day, Save $220 on the Canon EOS M6 Mirrorless camera.

Top 5 Amazon Prime Day Camera Deals: Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones
I travel. A LOT. You never realize how loud airplane noise is until you wear Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones. I remember the first time I put them on… I laughed in astonishment. It was almost like a magic trick I was so surprised. Anyway, now they’re a must-have for anyone who 1) travels a lot, or 2) gets distracted by random sounds. Both me. Also, note: I have these in black… but I wish I had them in white!

Amazon Prime Day Camera Deals: Pelican Indestructible Camera Case
If you’re like me, you hate spending money on the same thing more than once. Shouldn’t things just last? I remember having to buy another Kitchenaid mixer because the actual metal broke (I’m not joking!). So, it’s important that I protect my investments whenever possible, which is why I love Pelican camera cases. They’re indestructible. I have the big obnoxiously orange one, but I linked the more neutral colors, haha! These cases are 41% off today for the Amazon Prime Day deal. Oh, I forgot to mention: the foam inside is fun and easy to customize to whatever gear you have! So, it works with any camera and lens set up.

Amazon Prime Day Camera Deals: Phone Mount for Your Camera
I could kick myself. I literally JUST GOT THIS IN THE MAIL YESTERDAY. I ordered this last week as a solution to shooting video content at my photo shoots. You know… for Instagram reels! I never have any video to intro my reels and I don’t have time to think about it in the moment of capturing pretty things. Nor do I want to hire someone just to follow me around with an iPhone, lol. So, this phone mount for your camera is the perfect thing! It works with any hot-shoe (the part of the camera that holds a flash), and is adjustable for different phones. It rotates to enable vertical or horizontal shooting. And the best part: it’s only 10 dollars for Amazon Prime Day! Kind of a no-brainer! Here’s me with mine when I saw it on sale.

I hope this helps you get your camera gear on the cheap! Happy Amazon Prime Day, y’all!
Talk to you soon,
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