Another Sunday, another airport… delay. I’m currently sitting at my gate awaiting a late departure to my first leg of this 6 hour journey back to Cleveland. This upcoming week will be a big one, shoots every day across the Cleveland and Akron areas. I’m also doing a pretty big presentation and planning a pretty big project, which I’ll share soon.
This past week, as you’re well aware, was our Disney trip. I didn’t take my professional camera, but still took over 2000 photos of my Disney girls. Ellie and Scout bonded, we made some funny videos, and a great time was had by all.
Friday, I connected with a previous client / model on headshot shoots for their local office. I enjoy shooting natural light heads, and also studio lit headshots. Their needs called for natural light headshots, so I arrived early to scope lighting and location. I usually do this ahead of time to show that I’m prepared and confident. The more prepared the photographer is, the more confident. As a result, the subjects feel more comfortable as well. I’ll try to share those when I finish editing. I’m thankful for clients who use me for multiple types of shoots.
Yesterday, Scout attended her first-ever birthday party for a friend. It was a chuck e cheese (aka rat pizza casino in the Benfield household). This was Scout’s first time at the kid’s restaurant. We actually go to Dave and Buster’s every couple months, so she was accustomed the the concept of playing where you eat. The party was cute: tons of little girls and boys hopping on and off the carousel, chomping on pizza and cupcakes, and dancing with chuck e cheese himself.

Also yesterday, I photographed Ellie’s high school pom squad (aka: dance team). I’ll share those with you when I finish editing them, maybe tomorrow! It’s always such a pleasure seeing Ellie and her friends. They are such a great group of girls, all who build each other up so well.

Finally, we tried the new tex-mex restaurant in Bentonville, Bentonville Taco and Tamale. It was pretty decent. Not my favorite, but definitely one of the top 3 in NWA. They have a cucumber mocktail that I ordered multiple times. For the entree we got their version of a frito chili pie. Definitely an order-again. But then I got the nachos and didn’t love them. Ty out-ordered me, per usual, and ordered the taco salad. It was inside a hand-made taco shell bowl, and was delicious. The vibe was my favorite part. Here are some interior photos of Bentonville Taco and Tamale for your viewing pleasure.

Here are a couple of Scout pics from the past couple days for your reward for checking the blog.

Thanks for hanging out with me on this fine Sunday! May you have a trendously fulfilling week!
Talk to you soon,
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