I finally got to share the news that Tyler is pregnant! (YAY!) Today I want to thank everyone who commented or shared well wishes with us via texts, calls, dms, and social media and blog comments. Tyler and I are feeling really loved by everyone, so again, thank you!
Next, I want to answer some of the questions you’ve asked or might be wondering about our pregnancy.
Q: How does Scout feel about being a big sister?
A: “I feel gate about it” (I feel great about it). Though to be honest, she answers that for a lot of questions. It’s kind of her go-to response. I can say for certain, though, that she seems genuinely interested and excited. She sings to Tyler’s tummy, which is really precious.

Q: When are you due?
A: Tyler is due April 14. Scout almost came 6 weeks early, which was a little scary. However, the hospital ended up releasing us after changing their minds, and Scout was born on her due date. Will see if this baby is as punctual.
Q: How is Tyler feeling?
A: Good “A little tired and and a little chunky, but good.” I don’t know how else to answer that than to quote her. She hasn’t had morning sickness but did catch a stomach bug (I’m pretty sure I gave it to her). She’s also had spells of being super tired, which is uncharacteristic of my always-up-and-at-em wife. She needs her rest, though… she is growing a human after all.
Q: Is this pregnancy “high-risk”?
A: This time we are using a different provider, and this time it is NOT considered high risk. With Scout, they called the pregnancy “geriatric” (rude), which was deemed high risk. Because age would be the only contributing factor this time, the doctor said this is not a high-risk pregnancy.
Q: Are you going to find out the gender this time?
A: We might. 😉 It was fun to wait and see if “Dilly” was a boy or a girl, but this time we will know in advance. Stay tuned.

Talk to you soon,
P.S. Do you have more questions I didn’t answer? Feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me a DM. I’ll post updates so I can likely squeeze in your question!
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