This year’s nominees for Best Kisses of 2022 are below. I love kissing… kissing’s my favorite. 😉 Well, sure, I am aware that the actual quote is hugging, but y’all… kissing is so much better than hugging, haha. I love that moment right before the lips touch, too, because there is so much potential energy about to be released. For that reason, I included but in this year’s nominees for best kiss.
About voting: You can vote at the bottom of the page. You can vote for the Best Kisses of 2022 1 time from each device. The trick for more votes is to share this on social media (please and thank you!). The couple wins REAL prizes, so you’re helping them out with your vote!









Thanks for taking a look at the worthy nominees, and thank you to the Benny Brides (and their planners) who put such thoughtful details into their wedding day.
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