Today we get to view Morgan and Spencer’s Timeless B+W Wedding Portraits we photographed recently in Rogers, Arkansas. This black and white wedding portrait session was outside, and sure… it was a little cold. That’s what you would expect in NWA in January. However, it was worth it. These beautiful, timeless b+w wedding portraits are going to be shown at Morgan and Spencer’s wedding reception in February.

Morgan reached out to me about two months ago and wanted Timeless B+W Wedding Portraits. She and her new husband, Spencer, eloped recently and wanted to create some beautiful wedding portraits before their wedding reception next month in Phoenix, AZ.

I take such pride in my wedding photography, and strive to shoot timeless portraits. My goal is to have you look back at your photographs in 5 years, in 10 years, and in 20 years and have photos you are proud of.

If you’re getting married and are looking for a wedding photographer, I have 6 spots left for 2023, and 10 spots left for 2024 weddings. Also, I travel anywhere and love photographing at new locations! I would love to discuss your wedding photography needs!
Talk to you soon,
Want to see Morgan’s bridal portraits? Check out the link below:
B+W Bridal Portraits
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