Day 9 Update
Because I refuse to google things like “NICU survival rate” and other things that scare me, I don’t know the statistics for babies 33+ weeks who have made it longer than 8 days in the NICU. However, I have to think we are in a good place! Avett is doing pretty much everything on or ahead of schedule, so thank you to everyone who has been sending positive vibes, prayers, etc. our way! He has even latched to Tyler’s breast and, while not consistent, has gotten as much as 33 ml. Considering he only eats 50ml, that’s huge! We are still 15 days out from the day Tyler was scheduled for a c-section, so we have all the patience in the world.
>>I thought Avett was flipping the middle finger when Tyler sent this photo to me. It’s one off, but how funny. How can a little one look so precious?

Through the Looking Glass
The sisters, though, are a lot more impatient than Tyler and me. Having to look at Baby Avett through a window, and being unable to hold him, isn’t for his big sisters. I’m thankful for the love each of them are already showing, despite not being able to hold his sweet little body.
I love both of these two pictures that show the immediate impact Baby Avett made with his sisters. He’s a lucky little boy to have three incredible siblings already fighting for this little dude.

Having all the girls in one place, we decided to do something a little more “normal” to our daily lives. We got to go out to eat! Ellie chose ramen (she’s going to make a FINE college freshman, yeah?). We had a great time chatting and laughing and slurping noodles. BTW, that picture of Scout laughing is maybe my all-time favorite. I get weepy looking at it.

Thanks for being here,
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