This blog post details Scout’s pretend Wedding Pictures at the Ritz-Carlton Cancun, as she coined herself.
This girl just breaks my heart sometimes. On our last night of family vacation at the Cancun at the Ritz-Carlton, we put Scout in a white dress for our evening festivities. I told her how pretty she looked and asked her to stand in front of the mirror. I kid you not, my 2-year-old daughter said: “I’m getting married.”
How is she only two and is saying things like this?

So, I asked her if she wanted me to take her Wedding Pictures at the Ritz-Carlton Cancun. She said yes. Tyler put the tiniest amount of blush and lip color on Scout for her bridal portraits around the Cancun resort. Then, off we went!

The previous day, we watched a wedding at the Ritz-Carlton Cancun. So, I think that’s partly why wedding pictures were on her mind. And then of course, weddings interest her because of what I do for work. Not to mention, her favorite book to flip through is my wedding album from Tyler and my wedding in Las Vegas.

Obviously, Scout must read my blog because she embodied the bride in a short dress trend. Of course, Scout rocked it.

What I absolutely love about these pretend wedding photos at the Ritz in Cancun is that Scout loved posing for me. She typically hates taking photos, and will even ask for me to not. I respect her wishes when she tells me not to take her pictures. But this time, she was all about it! By the way, I have some great advice for taking pictures of your kids. (click that link)

Scout has a beautiful heart. She is really kind. She loves making friends, loves every animal (even bugs), and speaks so kindly. I am honored to have photographed her in a way that shows kindness.
For those who are here to see wedding photos in Cancun, don’t be disappointed! I shot a gorgeous wedding at Excellence Playa Mujeres that you should check out!
Talk to you soon,
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