Disconnect to Reconnect
Hey everyone! Do you ever feel the overwhelming need to disconnect so you can reconnect? A week and a half ago, I was really feeling the burden of social media, blogging, and putting myself out there. I had been sharing some heavy stuff every day for nearly a month, and it weighed on me. What’s more, I think it was causing me to disconnect mentally from what was happening in the present. So, without warning or announcement, I made myself take a break. I appreciate you all understanding, and for being here.
Avett Update, One Month Later
Can you believe our little guy is a month old? The most incredible silver lining of having a baby 7 weeks early is getting 7 “bonus” weeks together. If Avett would still be in utero, I still wouldn’t know him, and I would be missing out on all the bonding we are doing.
I’m pretty obsessed with the little guy. Because Tyler is producing so much breastmilk, I have the pleasure of feeding him for his 8:30pm, 11:30pm, and 2:30am feedings! It’s the most wonderful time, though my sleep schedule is wonky. We talk (well, I talk and he listens) after the girls go to bed, and have our own little guy time. Sometimes we watch movies, and sometimes we lay on our tummies on the ground. Other times, I just hold him and we stare at each other. It’s all pretty great.

Ellie Update
When Ellie came down to hang out with the family, Tyler suggested that Ellie and I take a quick trip to Florida for Ellie’s first music festival. I was surprised she suggested it, but having family around to help with the baby empowered us to be spontaneous.
I’ll share more on that trip soon, with many photos and videos, but I wanted to show you this little teaser video of Ellie at the beach. The slow motion here is so cool:
Another fun update with Ellie: It is probably no surprise to you that Ellie is super active during her senior year of high school. One of the many clubs she’s involved in is Tomorrow’s Leaders Today (TLT). She had her TLT graduation recently, which I attended as a proud dad. I told her after that I was proud of her. I also said that I realize I say that a lot and hope the words don’t lose their significance, but I am JUST SO PROUD.

On the Cece Front, She is still in her full leg cast for another two weeks (then half-leg cast, then boot). It’ll be a while before she is back to 100% but is in such good spirits.
And finally on the Scout front, she is as obsessed with Avett as I am. She always wants to give him “one more hug and kiss” before bed, before school, before… everything. I don’t know what I did to deserve such incredible kids. They are all really wonderful.
So, there is a personal/family update… thank you for sticking around during my much-needed break! I started back to work this week, editing videos and photos, so stay tuned for some great shoots coming up!
Thanks for being here,
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