Little did you know that when I posted this post, I was secretly hiding a Pregnancy Announcement! That’s right! Rachel and Aaron are expecting a baby and chose Benfield Photography to help tell their announcement! I’m truly so honored any time a family or couple chooses me to help tell their story, especially one as gigantic as this!

I’ve photographed many pregnancy announcements over the years, and it is always a special time for the parents-to-be. The mom, glowing, and the dad so excited (and if anything like me, a little nervous)… growing families is such a beautiful time.
For this announcement, Rachel and Aaron chose to shoot their pregnancy photos at Osage House. It was special because they had their wedding at Osage House. How special to make a place your go-to for big life events. Kinda like Tyler and me announcing our pregnancy in Alaska where we got engaged). Well, done, Siedschlag family!

We used the ultrasound in most of the Pregnancy Announcement photos. However, I also wanted to capture a few photographs of the new parents… just the two of them. I know the love one feels toward their partner knowing they’re going to be parents. So, I wanted to capture that connection. When I photograph a couple, I don’t do cheesy prompts. (i.e. “rock back an forth and whispers something funny in her ear”) Like I hear other photographers make their clients do. Instead, I pay attention to the real dynamics of a couple. Then, I use that. It’s something I have learned works best as a luxury wedding photographer in NWA. I used those same techniques when creating these photographs of Aaron and Rachel.

Thanks for being here,
P.S. Thank you to Osage House for allowing us to take photographs there! Y’all rock!
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